One of the most popular bird watching reserves in the southeast and of international importance for migratory,overwintering and breeding wetland birds.
It consists of 89 hectares of grazing marsh (one of a few left in Kent) with freshwater dykes, open water scrapes, reedbed, saltmarsh and seawall. Suitable habitat is achieved by the manipulation of water levels and livestock grazing.
Amongst the breeding species found here are avocet, redshank, snipe, lapwing, water rail, bearded reedling, pochard, gadwall, little grebe and garganey. Migrating species include black-tailed godwit, ruff, little stint, curlew sandpiper and whimbrel. Brent goose, dunlin, curlew, wigeon, merlin, hen harrier, marsh harrier, peregrine falcon, short-eared owl, bittern and twite, all overwinter here.
Notable flora in summer includes golden samphire shimmering amongst the purple sea lavender. There are three bird watching hides and numerous interpretation boards on site.
Banner image provided by Thomas Fishwick and nature reserve picture provided by Greg Hitchcock of the Kent Wildlife Trust.