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Travel information & links to providers

Swale has a good road network with Sittingbourne and Faversham lying along the A2 and close to the M2. For Sittingbourne and the Isle of Sheppey, use Junction 5 of the M2 and travel up the A249. For Faversham, use Juntion 6 of the M2. From the M20, use Junction 7 for Sittingbourne, Sheerness and Faversham, then follow road signs.

For up to date travel information on the region's roads, please visit the Kent Traffic Information website.

Here you can find out more information and links to help plan your trip to Swale.

Kent Connected website is a free journey planner that empowers you to make smarter travel choices with your health, time, and the environment in mind. Kent Connected makes travel planning easy; it shows live bus and train times, and provides different route suggestions for walking and cycling and includes an integrated walking and cycling map to help ease any worries and get you on your way.

Download the Kent Connected App to your mobile device.

Other Useful Downloadable Or Website Guidance

What to take with you

  • a face covering -for longer journeys, take more than one face covering and a plastic bag for used face coverings
  • a plan for the journey
  • tickets, contactless payment card or pass
  • phone, if needed for travel updates, tickets, contactless payments
  • hand sanitiser
  • essential medicines
  • tissues
The official tourism website for the Swale area North Kent.