The weather in Faversham, Sittingbourne and on the Isle of Sheppey
Weather forecasts for Isle of Sheppey, Sittingbourne and Faversham
Swale Local Weather Forecast Providers
Swale Weather provides all the latest local weather information on social media and on a website. Very pro-active on social media welcomes anything you would like to share or message the Swale Weather Facebook page. Like the page for the daily weather and community updates.
Bringing you the weather from across the Swale community.
Sharing with you the weather model data imagery, the latest weather charts, update you on current weather events taking place, keep you up to date on the latest Met Office weather warnings, update you on current flood alerts from the Environment Agency, and more.
Also providing a full 5-day forecast on the website which has other useful information. You may interact with each other on the page and chat about current posts we make. You can also share weather imagery on the page in the community tab or on the Swale Weather Photographers UK group.
Bringing you the weather for Faversham 24 Hours a day with forecasts twice a day as well as updates twice a week
With get up to date Weather Warning information form the Met Office.
Together with up to date information on Floods.
Follow and like the Faversham Weather Station Facebook Page